I manage the Curtin HIVE visualisation facility and am a research engineer at Centre for Marine Science and Technology (CMST) at Curtin University.
I also co-chair the annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference.
I served as Director of The Centre for Marine Science and Technology from 2002 to 2004.
My qualifications are in Electronic Engineering (MEng, BEng) and my PhD was on the topic of "Crosstalk in Stereoscopic 3D Displays".
My research interests include 3D Imaging, Stereoscopic Video, Underwater Technology, Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), Visualisation and 3D Reconstruction with applications in Maritime Archaeology and Oil and Gas.
I am a Fellow of SPIE (International Society for Optical Engineering) and a member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Engineers Australia, IS&T (Society for Imaging Science & Technology), SID (Society for Information Display), ISU (International Stereoscopic Union) and NSA (National Stereoscopic Association).
Over the years I have supervised many project students, including: Chris Norman, Marcia Schneider, Martin Chu, Josh Hollick, Grace Beven, Jesse Helliwell, Dean Leggo, Christopher Harris, Adin Sehic, Kai Karvinen, Ka Lun YUEN, Daniel Watts, Tegan Rourke, Stanley Tan, Andrew Trang, Kajornsak (KJ) Julavittayanukool, Douglas Offszanka, Greg Martin, Shanaka Dias, and Murray Brand.
I've developed a wide range of stereoscopic 3D equipment over my career, including:
Deep-Water 3D Imaging System
Deep-Water wide-angle stereoscopic 3D still camera
Mini-3D Underwater Stereoscopic Video Camera
Compact Underwater Stereoscopic Video Camera
3D Video Multi-Standard Converter
3D Video Demultiplexer
3D Video Multiplexer
I am co-chair of the annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications (SD&A) conference.
I co-present an annual one day short course on Stereoscopic Imaging topics (see 'Short Courses' below).
Visit the SD&A conference website for the Advance Program, proceedings, photos, virtual library, etc...
I am a co-chair of the Electronic Imaging Symposium (2018-2019), member of the Steering Committee of the Electronic Imaging Symposium and was co-chair of the symposium in 2005.
A full reference list of all conference proceedings for the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference.
Andrew Woods, in cooperation with John Merritt, co-teach a popular one-day short course on stereoscopic 3D imaging topics.
The course is run annually in California as part of the annual Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference - where it is called "Stereoscopic Display Application Issues".
The course has run annually for over 15 years
and has evolved considerably over those years following the rapid changes in stereoscopic 3D technologies.
Custom versions of the course have also been conducted as follows:
Feb 2013 - Stereoscopic Display Application Issues - in-house company training.
May 2011 - Stereoscopic Display Application Issues - in-house company training.
November 2010 - Understanding the Stereoscopic Display Revolution - Perth, Western Australia - in cooperation with ScreenWest and iVEC.
February 2010 - Stereoscopic Display Technologies - in-house company training.
May 2009 - Understanding the Stereoscopic Display Revolution - National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan - in cooperation with the 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA) 2009 conference.
If you (or your staff) are interested in gaining a better understanding of the technologies of stereoscopic display, capture and processing, and how they all fit into the global 3D ecosystem, you could consider hosting or attending the Woods/Merritt 3D short course - either the annual "Stereoscopic Display Application Issues" short course held in California, or contact the presenters to have a custom version of the course run at your location.
"Cultural Visualisation of a Cultural Photographic Collection in 3D Environments – Development of ‘PAV 3D’ (Photographic Archive Visualisation)" in International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 272-277 (2016)
"Use of Photogrammetry for Non-Disturbance Underwater Survey: An Analysis of In Situ Stone Anchors" in Advances in Archaeological Practice 4 (1), 17-30 (2016)
"3D or 3-D: a study of terminology, usage and style" in (journal of) European Science Editing 39 (3), 59-62 (2013)
"Characterizing and Reducing Crosstalk in Printed Anaglyph Stereoscopic 3D Images" in (journal of) Optical Engineering , 52(4), 043203 (2013)
"Crosstalk in Stereoscopic Displays: a review" in Journal of Electronic Imaging, 21(4), 040902 (2012)
"Using cross-talk simulation to predict the performance of anaglyph 3-D glasses" in Journal of the Society for Information Display, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 304-315 (2012)
"Investigating the cross-compatibility of IR-controlled active shutter glasses" in SD&A XXIII, Vol. 8288, 82881C (2012). See also: Video
"White Paper: A Survey of 3D Sync IR Protocols" CMST Report number 2011-17, Curtin University (2011). Presented at SID 2011, Los Angeles as a late-news paper (but does not appear in the SID2011 proceedings).
"How are crosstalk and ghosting defined in the stereoscopic literature?" in SD&A XXII, Vol. 7863, 78630Z (2011)
"A simple method for measuring crosstalk in stereoscopic displays" in SD&A XXII, Vol. 7863, 786310 (2011).
"Understanding Crosstalk in Stereoscopic Displays" (Keynote presentation), 3DSA 2010, Tokyo, Japan, 19-21 May 2010. (and repeated at the SID/IMS conference: "TV3.0: the Future of Television", Seattle, USA, 26 May 2010)
"Comparing levels of crosstalk with red/cyan, blue/yellow, and green/magenta anaglyph 3D glasses", SD&A XXI, San Jose, California (2010)
"3-D Displays in the Home", Information Display (The Official Monthly Publication of the SID), July 2009, Vol. 25, No. 07, pp 8-12.
"The Compatibility of LCD TVs with Time-Sequential Stereoscopic 3D Visualization", SD&A XX, 19-21 January 2009, San Jose, California.
"The compatibility of consumer plasma displays with time-sequential stereoscopic 3D visualization", SD&A XIX, 28-30 January 2008, San Jose, California.
"Characterizing crosstalk in anaglyphic stereoscopic images on LCD monitors and plasma displays", JSID, Special 3D Issue, 2007.
"The compatibility of consumer DLP projectors with time-sequential stereoscopic 3D visualisation", SD&A XVIII, January 2007.
"Compatibility of LCD Monitors with Frame-Sequential Stereoscopic 3D Visualisation" (Invited Paper), in IMID/IDMC '06 Digest, August 2006.
"The Compatibility of Consumer Displays with Time-Sequential Stereoscopic 3D Visualisation" (Plenary Paper), in Proceedings of the K-IDS Three-Dimensional Display Workshop 2006, August 2006.
"Compatibility of Display Products with Stereoscopic Display Methods", in Proceedings of the International Display Manufacturing Conference 2005 (IDMC'05), February 2005.
"Ghosting in Anaglyphic Stereoscopic Images" SD&A XV, January 2004.
"Characterising Sources of Ghosting in Time-Sequential Stereoscopic Video Displays", SD&A XIII, January 2002.
"Electronic Stereoscopic Presentations - What tools are available and what tools are needed", in Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII, January 2001.
"Optimal Usage of LCD Projectors for Polarised Stereoscopic Projection", in Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII, January 2001.
"Stereoscopic Presentations", in 6th International Workshop on 3-D Imaging Media Technology, July 2000.
"A PC-based stereoscopic video walkthrough", in Stereoscopic Displays and Applications X, January 1999.
"Improving the Operability of Remotely Operated Vehicles", APPEA 98 conference, Canberra, March 1998.
"A Stereoscopic Video System for Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles", MEng Thesis, Curtin University of Technology, 177 pages, 1997.
"The Application of Stereoscopic Video to Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicles", APPEA 97 conference, Melbourne, April 1997.
"The Development of a Compact Underwater Stereoscopic Video Camera", Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VIII, San Jose, California, February 1997.
"3D Video Standards Conversion", in Stereoscopic Displays and Applications VII, January 1996.
"Field Trials of Stereoscopic Video with an Underwater Stereoscopic Video System", SD&A V, San Jose, California, February 1994.
"Experiences of Using Stereoscopic Video with an Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle", Underwater Intervention 1994.
"Image Distortions in Stereoscopic Video Systems", in SD&A IV (1993)
"The use of Flicker-Free Television Products for Stereoscopic Display Applications", in SD&A II, February 1991.
"3D-MAP" - the program which was used to generate the images in the paper "Image Distortions in Stereoscopic Video Systems". (Program runs under DOS) (47k zip file)
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVIII", Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, February 2017.
"From Great Depths: The Wrecks of HMAS Sydney (II) and HSK Kormoran", WA Museum and UWA Publishing, November 2016.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVII", Proceedings of Electronic Imaging, February 2016.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXVI", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 9391, February 2015.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 9011, February 2014.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIV", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 8648, February 2013.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 8288, January 2012.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 7863, January 2011.
"Selected SPIE/IS&T Papers on DVD-ROM: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications 1990-2009: A Complete 20-Year Retrospective", SPIE Volume CDP 51, ISBN: 978-0-8194-7659-3. [a fully searchable DVD-ROM containing over 1000 technical papers covering an enormous range of stereoscopic display and virtual reality systems topics]
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXI", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 7524, January 2010, ISBN: 9780819479174.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XX", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 7237, January 2009, ISBN: 9780819474872.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XIX", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 6803, January 2008, ISBN: 9780819469755.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIV", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 6490, January 2007, ISBN: 9780819466037.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XIII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 6055, January 2006, ISBN: 0-8194-6095-8.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 5664, January 2005, ISBN: 0-8194-5637-3.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems XI", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 5291, January 2004, ISBN: 0-8194-5194-0.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems X", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 5006, January 2003, ISBN: 0-8194-4806-0.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems IX", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 4660, January 2002, ISBN: 0-8194-4400-6.
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VIII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 4297, January 2001, ISBN: 0-8194-3975-4.
"Selected SPIE Papers on CDROM: Stereoscopic Displays and Applications", SPIE CD Volume 12, ISBN: 0-8194-3715-8. [2 CDROMS containing >5000 pages, >600 papers]
"Stereoscopic Displays and Virtual Reality Systems VII", Proceedings of the SPIE Volume 3957, January 2000, ISBN: 0-8194-3575-9.
Google Scholar does a very good job of tracking citations of technical publications - you can see who is citing my work on my Google Scholar Profile.
MEDIA (highlights)
Australia's Most Innovative Engineers - Create magazine, Engineers Australia, July 2017.
HMAS Sydney: 3D reconstruction reveals more details of Australia's biggest naval disaster - 7.30 Report, ABC Television (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), May 2016. Video
3D Movies are Back - Can We Help, ABC Television (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), 9 May 2008.
Tiny camera probes deep ocean - The Australian, IT Today supplement, page 35, Tuesday 10th May 2005.
You can have 3DTV in your own home - Silicon Chip, October 2002.
The Fine Art of Stereography - Planet Publish, 31 May 2002.
3D Image Gallery - Images grabbed from video shot with our Underwater Stereoscopic Video Cameras in 1991 (in JPS, 3D row-interleaved GIF and anaglyph formats).
A large collection of my photographs appear on the Stereoscopic Displays and Applications conference website.